cell phone tower
The evolution of “G”

3G. 4G. 5G evolution. And of course wireless 5G. Marketing terms swirl about, claims are made and the “G” terms start to blend together after a while, leading CIOs to rightly ask, is there anything to all this hype or…

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Hardware-Blades Are Out. CloudBlades are In.

New tech released Wednesday has been designed to end the age-old practice that has forced CIOs and IT teams to maintain expensive hardware refresh cycles and tolerate products that routinely struggle to deliver high performance. The era of building “hardware-blades”…

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guy looking at city using wireless 5g integration
Wireless 5G Integration and Application

5G is in the active rollout stage and is said to revolutionize mobile data and remote operations in the same way the wireless phone revolutionized communications, which is why some companies are even considering the technology as a primary connection….

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Co-Founder Eric Skeens Ran a 26.2

Eric Skeens, co-founder of 3 Tree Tech finished a marathon (26.2) June 8th, raising 1k for the St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Marathon & 1/2 Marathon. Eric’s entire team the Heroes Latinos, raised a final total of $12,355.00 and…

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big tech is driving isp alternatives
How Cloud Will Push Out Traditional ISPs

It would make sense that more cloud technology adoption should mean more market share for ISPs, but that won’t be the case for long. Traditional carriers like AT&T, Verizon, and CenturyLink, known as the “Big 3”, are quickly losing their…

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SD-WAN Wins For 3 Tree Tech Clients

Gen 2 SD-WAN with the help of CloudGenix can roll-out quickly for our clients and can truly give them the freedom to expand and grow, no matter what their current technology state may be. Ryan Williams, Director of Channel Sales…

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Windstream Alternatives

Windstream, headquartered out of Little Rock, Arkansas has filed for bankruptcy and many corporations and organizations are asking about Windstream Alternatives. Windstream Holdings, Inc., also doing business as Windstream Communications, often referred to simply as Windstream, is a provider of…

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Gen 1 vs Gen 2 SD-Wan

A common question today centers around the difference between Gen 1 vs Gen 2 SD-WAN. Firstly, SD-WAN is a broad term that stands for Software Defined Wide Area Network.  SD-WAN platforms are intended to guard against network downtime and allow…

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