Services / Services 3 Tree Tech
Wireless 5G
3 Tree Tech can set your company up to utilize 5G. Whether your company is an emerging telemedicine company, creating next-generation tech or requiring rapid deployment options, we can help you integrate greater speeds and unchain your company from wired network options or sluggish speeds from your ISP.

5G wireless technology is positioned to bring fiber speeds and latency over-the-air. This evolution is big for telemedicine, transportation, emerging tech and countless other applications. If you are considering a 5G, there are several things to note as your organization decides how to best utilize the technology for your operations.
5G Explained
As with previous wireless generations, there are several technologies that fall under the term 5G which come with their own strengths and challenges. The main components that will shape a company’s experiences include whether it is a mobile or fixed application and if it runs on low-band, sub-6GHz or mmWave.
While it is possible we will see speeds beyond 1Gbps, our experts at 3 Tree Tech believe that early adopters will likely see initial speeds below 500Mbps. We also expect carriers may either throttle these speeds down or offer multiple speed tiers to control the impact to their networks. We can help guide you through this
Your Organization
While the technology very well could provide your company the freedom and speed you need to be adaptable, it’s wise to ask for help in research and consult a pro. Depending on your location, size, needs, or other factors or 5G could be a primary connection and unlock new opportunity, or it could be backup connection layered on top of existing network infrastructure.